Your revenue is either greater than your expenses, meaning that your run a profitable business or you are spending more than you make and you are running your business into the ground.
The question becomes, do you sell yourself in a way that generates the highest revenue? I think most of us can answer "No" to that question, since morals, ethics and values also come into play.
The next question becomes, which style of business do you run? Are you an employee, relying on others to handle all aspects of your life? Are you self employed, meaning that you are quite independent but are not leveraging your time and money to accomplish more? Or are you a business owner and investor with a system in place to leverage the resources at your disposal.
Listen to how Robert Kiyosaki describes the cash flow quadrant in the traditional sense of the word business.
This post was reposted from http://finlit.biz/business/are-you-a-business/, originally written on January 2013.
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