Monday, December 29, 2014

How Have the Baby Boomers Been Affected by the Real Estate Crash?

According to, "The big problem: Their retirement savings and home values fell sharply at the worst possible time, just before they needed to cash out. They also are supporting both aged parents and unemployed young-adult children."

Do you see the same problem?  How has your family been affected by the recent real estate bust?  Did they prepare?

From Proverbs 21:20, we see "In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has."  Read more at  Dave Ramsey has quite the collection of biblical verses which apply to money and wealth.

What is amazing about our baby boomers is far and wide, they take responsibility for their choices and their situations.  In general, the baby boomers with which I have spoken, state that they are in the situation they are in because of the choices they have made.  They advise the young to plan a little better and save a little more.  Real estate alone cannot be the solution.

I just wanted to stop to say that I appreciate all the readers out there.  Thank you so much for continuing to bring about awareness.  It all starts with you.  You can grab a fish to eat for a day or learn how to fish.  I thank you for learning how to fish!

This post was reposted from, originally written on February 8th, 2013.

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