Is the business you are in long term? Do you want to do what you are doing for 20 or 30 years? Do you believe your natural gifts and talents are being utilized in what you do? If you want a successful business or career, you must feel this way about what you do. You must have an extreme passion to the point where people may think that you are a little crazy or extreme. When you hold a conviction or a position that has opposing views and find not everyone agrees, you know you are on the right track. For instance, our own president must have close to 50% of the population opposing his views. Resistence is one of the first signs of success.
Napolean Hill's QQMA Formula states this: "The quality of service you render plus the quantity of service your render plus the mental attitude in which you render service determines the space you occupy in your chosen calling and the compensation you get from your services."
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This post was reposted from http://finlit.biz/business/what-is-napolean-hills-qqma-formula/, originally written on January 29th, 2013.
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