Wednesday, December 31, 2014

What Do Multiplication, Leverage and Delayed Gratification Have in Common?

What would you rather have, a brick of gold or a small seed?

Gold is shiny. Gold has value and is worth thousands of dollars because of its special qualities. On the other hand, a seed you must plant. You must pour time and energy into creating a fertile environment. Then, you must wait. But over time, the seed will create an abundance, far beyond the investment of resources.

"While most men would value the gold, I value things that bear fruit."

When we work ourselves, we add up the contributions from each day in a year, to get our total contributions at the end of the year.

On the other hand, when we spend our time pouring into the lives of other people, growing and developing leaders, we multiply the contributions over time, to get our total contributions at the end of the year.

The power of multiplication has been demonstrated time and time again in history. An idea sparked, in one man, who recruited a small team, delivering that message to the multitudes.

What will you deliver?

This post was reposted from, originally written on December 21st, 2013.

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