Wednesday, December 31, 2014

One Thing You Need to Do if You Want to Get a Raise

Do you want to get a raise at work? What steps can you take today to make that happen tomorrow?

The story of Laban and Jacob from the bible provides good insight on how to make this happen. Have you ever had a boss that is unappreciative of your work efforts? Ever had one that did not give you what you deserved or took from the wages or rewards you felt you rightfully earned?

Well, this is the situation of Jacob. He worked for his uncle for seven years, working as hard as he could to see to it that his uncle, Laban became properous. During this period, Laban would constantly fail to deliver on his promises and put Jacob through difficult working conditions. But nevertheless, Jacob continued to perform the best of his ability. How many of us could continue to work hard despite feeling cheated or underappreciated?

After seven years, despite the work conditions, Jacob promised to work another seven years. When Jacob decided it was time to move on, he was so valuable that Laban asked, "What wages do you require?" He was so valuable that Laban would pay him whatever he wanted.

If you want a raise, you need to demonstrate the capability to perform the duties required before you get the raise. In fact, taking a step back, you need to provide so much value to either your boss or your organization, that if you were to leave, they would ask, "What wages do you require?"

This post was reposted from, originally written on August 29th, 2013.

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