Monday, December 29, 2014

What Do You Think of Kiyosaki and Trump Teaming Up?

You may view a video at which talks about a partnership between Kiyosaki and Trump?

Trump states that richness is a state of mind going much further than just money.  Kiyosaki states that richness is a million dollars a year of passive income.  What do you think?

These concepts are amazing.  Where would our society be if everyone was dependent and an employee?  On the other hand, where would we be if we could increase the number of movers and shakers?  Would we be if more kids focused on providing value to our society instead of some of the other things they might be focusing on?

What was your favorite concept from this video?  Do you disagree with any of the concepts covered?  Do you have control over your destiny based on taking control of your daily actions?

This post was reposted from, originally written on February 7th, 2013.

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