Mr. Money Mustache showed how typical after tax salaries of 140K are spent. People who save 15.16% spend 43 years working until they can retire. However, Mr. Money Mustache managed to save a whopping 103K or 74.07% of income and retire in 7.5 years!
All it took was a little budgeting and modifying one thing: spending habit. This translates into my world as percentage saved each month (see sizusfinlit.blogspot.com). Would you be willing to spend a few hours each month if it meant you could save 36 years of work?
Do you think Mr. Money Mustache is extreme or do you think society has gotten extreme? I can't do this alone. I need your help. What other cool things can you find on Mr. Money Mustache's website? Any good tips or thoughts?
This post was reposted from http://finlit.biz/retirement-2/how-did-mr-money-mustache-do-it/, originally written on January 22nd, 2013.
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