Sunday, December 21, 2014

3 Advantages to Purchasing Your Car With Cash

In the post, the author discusses the differences between people who choose to purchase items using credit versus people who use cash. Being an advocate of living debt free, my suggestion is to pay cash when you purchase a car.

You will have these three main advantages which will help to solidify your financial future:
  1. Immediate savings on depreciation
  2. Savings on interest
  3. Gain on opportunity cost
To elaborate, we will use the National Automobile Dealers Association average price of a new car sold, which is $28,400 in the United States.

Purchasing a car in good condition, which is 3 years old with low mileage, might save you an immediate $9,940.  This 35% discount comes from the fact that cars may lose as much as 20% value the first year and as much as 65% value in the first five years due to depreciation.

In addition, using the national average interest rate of 5.73% (see, and assuming a five year loan on the car, you would save another $4,329 in interest.

Finally, those who pay cash could use the $9,940 savings and in a conservative investment such as a municipal bond, earn 5% which would put $2,746 more money in your pocket over the five year period.

These savings add up to $17,015.  What other costs are you adding on that aren't mentioned here?

This post was reposted from, originally written on January 24th, 2013.

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