Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Winning in Finances by the 80/20 Rule

Reading the article, reminded me of a very important rule. This rule applies across finances.

Have you ever heard that in any organization 20% of the people do 80% of the work?

Have you ever heard that if you wish to become wealthy, you can either help a lot of people solve their small problems or help a few people solve their big problems?

What about the fact that most people struggle financially because they are either dominated by making a few large purchases or making an extraordinary amount of small purchases?

What about the idea, that you set aside 20% of your income and let 80% be used to finance your living?

The 80/20 rule is extremely important and can be applied in so many ways. The important thing to realize in each of the questions above is the power of the few. Most people see the 80% because that is what takes up our attention. That is what is big and powerful and grandiouse. But the fact of the matter is, the big, important events, rarely do anything for us. The fact of the matter is, the small, consistent results are what have the greatest impact.

Its those small decisions that you make on a day in and day out basis, compounded over a long period of time that will ultimately determine your outcome. This is true in business, in finances, in marriage and many areas of our life. Don't discount the small stuff.

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This post was reposted from, originally written on October 3rd, 2013.

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