Monday, December 29, 2014

Aren't Most People Just One Event Away From a Financial Disaster?

Most people would say that they are on the right track.  Most people would say they are taking the right precautions.  Doesn't it make sense that if you really knew things weren't balanced appropriately, that you would have already done something to balance them?

Unfortunately, prideful thinking leads to such a great downful.  Thinking that you have the power to control those things which are out of your control.  I tell this hoping that if I care enough, it will encourage and inspire you to make some changes, even if you think you are on the right track.  So many times we hear the words, "If I only knew then, what I know today."

Do you believe that most people are just one event away from a financial disaster?  There are typically four D's of life that each of us have a high probability of being affected by.  No one plans for these events to occur but unfortunately they do:
  1. Death
  2. Divorce
  3. Disease
  4. Disaster
Are your finances straightened out to the point that no undue financial burden has been placed on your family?  Are your finances organized so well that both you and your spouse feel your are growing as a family to hit your mutual goals and dreams?  What would a death in the family mean to you?  Would your kids be taken care of financially so that emotional mourning and mending could occur?  Do you have the means to handle a year long illness to one of the bread winners?  If you had a major earthquake, flood, blizzard would your family have the means to recover?  What would happen if one of the bread winners lost their job for six months?

In summary, what is the most important thing to you and is your family more important than that brand new car?

This post was reposted from, originally written on February 21st, 2013.

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